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Metal machining and precision machining

This high-tech market sets stringent quality requirements in the area of finishing on micron and nanometre levels.

Usocore has a specialized range of modern cutting oils and metal machining fluids which are most efficient for application in the metal processing and precision mechanics industry.

State-of-the-art ester technology stands surety for extreme performance. Needless to say, the ever-changing regional, national and continental guidelines and legislation is complied with on a continued basis. The flexibility to – if necessary – adapt formulations for a specific application is a good example of our client-oriented service. 

Oemeta® coolants are exclusively distributed by Usocore in the Benelux and French market. These products are renown in the machining industry on account of their quality and efficiency. It is also here that many formulations are based on the ester technology of organic origin and are classed accordant to CEC L-33-A-93 as to being biodegradable.

Due to the extremely high viscosity index, they are viscously very stable by high temperature fluctuations which arise during the tooling process. 

In the unique multifunctional Hycut product range machining oils, hydraulic oils/ slideway oils and coolants are based on that selfsame ester technology. By the inleaking of a Hycut oil in a Hycut machining or wax emulsion the oil emulsifies in the emulsion impeding soiling by foreign oils.


Oemeta coolants
Industrial lubricants
ISU (Intensive Service Usocore)